Sunday, November 23, 2008

Birthday and Braggin' About My Boy! :)

So, my birthday was just perfect. “Thank You, God!” :)

David came with me to church and I was showered with love, cards, “Happy Birthday” songs and presents.

I received all the fun voicemails from my family and friends as well—which always make me smile, laugh and feel so connected and blessed to have the best family and friends.

The main thing I wanted to do was see my mom and dad, so, in the afternoon we stopped at Chin’s Chinese restaurant, picked up their favorite meals and surprised them with a visit and dinner. It was so good to hug them and just be with them for a couple of hours. Life has been very challenging for them—for about a year and half now—and I wish I could take my mom’s pain away and give them back the life that they used to have.

When we returned home my friend, Marjorie, had left me a balloon, card and present. :) Then we had dinner with a friend, Jeannine, at Islands.

And this year, more than ever, I was aware—during my birthday week—of how very loved I am—and known—both. To be known and loved has got to be the best thing ever in life—and probably what we all seek on some level.

Even during our unit meeting at work—they surprised Maria and I with a huge chocolate chip cookie with “Happy Birthday Kathy and Maria!” noted. And as we admired it, Faith handed me a huge apple. :) And their card was just filled with the kindest comments and wishes.

And you should see my desk, here, with all the rainbow and other beautiful cards--filled with loving words! :) Unbelievable!

I’ll write more about the concept of being all of who we are and finding out that we are still so loveable—another day—as Captain David, the pirate, is waiting to play with me at the moment. :)

But I did also want to brag about him a bit.

At his first conference his wonderful teacher—who is absolutely an angel—shared about how well he is doing in second grade—outside of his chatting. :) (It’s hereditary, I think.:)) And she explained that he would be receiving an academic award this past Tuesday morning—along with a perfect attendance certificate.

My manager allowed me to go—and as I sat there Tuesday watching him do the “stirring the pot” dance move up on stage—while his class mates stood properly—in celebration of his perfect attendance—I smiled and thought to myself, “Anyone watching him right now is probably not expecting him to receive an academic award.” :)

And then I discovered that each class only had one academic award being given—and out of the five 2nd grade classes—he was the only boy to receive one.

I sat there, as I often do, and felt so impressed by the kind of person he is. He is so balanced. He is ready to play and have fun and be silly and dance and sing. Meanwhile, he is thoughtful and caring towards others. And he is so intelligent and always asking questions and contributing to class discussions. He is above and beyond anything I could have ever dreamed up—and I just love him so much.

So, AAARGH, me, matey! I be off, now, to sail the seven seas with me Captain! :)

May you see the treasures that surround you and reside within you at all times.

With Love,

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Last Day of 41! :)

Do you do that…the day before your birthday? :)

And while I am enjoying my last day of being 41—I’m really excited about turning 42!

For some reason, as soon as I turned 41, I felt like “42” was going to be a great year. :) Odd, but true. It just has a certain ring to it—like “33” had, for me. And little did I know—when I turned 33—that I would become pregnant with David and he’d be born that year. And since this is the best thing that has happened in my life, thus far, I’m thinking something pretty special is happening while I’m 42! :) No clue what it is--but I'm trusting I will love it!

And even though David is usually telling me I look like a teenager and sweet things like, “Momma, you have a lot of young in you!” he must be seeing my age begin to show because the other night when he was singing me one of his beautiful, original, love songs, he sang,

“I love you…I love you…I love you….
I love you just the way you are.
I love you even though you’re old.”

And I looked at him…..and smiled….and said, “Even though I’m old?” :)
And he laughed and tried to explain his way out of his lyrics.

Apparently he thinks I look like I am in my 20’s now. :)
Good save, don’t ya think? Smart boy.

But, really, I don’t worry about this kind of thing. I find beauty in people of all ages, shapes, sizes colors and characteristics. It’s definitely in the eyes of the beholder and this beholder is beholdin’ lots of beauty! :)

Thank you for sharing your beauty and “young” with the world today! :)

With Love,

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"I'm sorry, Paula."

I just read such a sad story about a 30 year old woman, named Paula, who took her life near Paula Abdul’s home, and watched a clip of when she auditioned for American Idol in 2006.

As I watched I apologized, periodically, to her soul/spirit—“I’m sorry, Honey—for whatever pain led you to this.”

She was beautiful to me—creative—and excited at a chance to share herself, her voice, her fashion sense, her artwork—which was quite good.

I could just imagine her as a child—so full of life and limitless possibilities….I can’t even imagine what her family is going through at this moment.

And as I watched Paula, Simon and Randy react to her—I just wondered why we ever have to be mean to others.

I get the disagreeing and seeing things differently and trying to express that to each other. I understand that sometimes things don’t come out in a pretty way. I understand being grumpy and impatient and saying things in anger and apologizing later. But to be mean to others….it’s just not necessary….it’s very sad.

In fact—David was targeted this summer a couple of times by older kids—and it was very upsetting. It was worked out—and he handled himself so well in both situations—but in one incident I did not feel safe sending him off to summer camp the next day and debated calling in to work.

When I told the camp counselor about what he said some older kids did to him the previous day—“Thank you, God”-- she took it very seriously and questioned each child privately and sure enough his story held up. The counselor kept me up to date throughout the day and there were serious consequences given to the children. I felt safe in going to work and believed that the counselors were going to be watching the kids more closely.

That same day, though, the main counselor told me that David—a first grader—soon to be second grader-- had been standing up to the 4th and 5th graders who were picking on special needs kids throughout the summer—and as a result he was getting picked on as well. She revealed that she had heard him say on several occasions to these kids, “Stop it. It’s not okay to treat others this way.”

I got tears in my eyes—feeling so proud of the person he chooses to be already. I was not that brave at 7. I was kind to other kids--but I sure didn't stand up to bullies.

But you see—David already knows who we are—and he remembers it much of the time.

There is this extraordinary book, The Little Soul and The Sun, written by Neale Donald Walsch and it is one of David’s favorite books.

The basic idea behind it—is that we are all beautiful light beings—or souls—and we understand that when we get to earth that we are going to forget this and get into our little ego dramas. But before we come down here, we create agreements with each other—and in this particular story—one little soul tells God that he wants to have the experience of forgiveness. Another little soul offers to help him with this--but it will require that she do something to him that will hurt him in someway—so that he has the opportunity to forgive her. And she agrees—but asks him to try to remember that she is really still a beautiful light being—even in the midst of whatever it is that she is doing. He promises to do this.

Well, a couple of days after we first read this book—he was probably 5 at the time—David came home and said, “Momma! (Insert the name of a little boy here_______) is doing a really good job! When I get to Heaven I’m going to tell him!” I asked him what he meant and he told me about a boy who was being really mean to others—and added that he was remembering that this boy was still really a good soul underneath all of that.

I was like—“WOW! Amazing!”

Then another time when boys were teasing someone with autism at his after school program—David said to this older boy, again, “Do you know who he is?” And the boy said—“A big loser?” And David went on to explain to him that he was a beautiful soul, etc. :)

Can’t even imagine what this boy was thinking at that moment….but I just embraced David and laughed at how bold he is--thanking him.

So, if a 5 or 7 year old can remember who we really are---so can I. :)

And though I absolutely don’t do it perfectly—(Just ask David!:)) I do get back to this consciousness as quickly as I can during the day.

Sometimes people are doing a really good acting job :) and it’s hard to remember that they are beautiful children of God—amazing souls and light beings.

But when I stay close to God and get centered—I see them more clearly. And when I treat them like they are a beautiful soul—it’s like a part of them wakes up and remembers too—and they step into this.

I know that you know what I mean—you beautiful soul, you! :)

Thank you for all the times you choose to be kind and loving. It uplifts us all.

With Love,

Monday, November 10, 2008

Glass Half Full, Loving, and Flu Shots

Good morning! :) So, I have some stories on my mind this morning, so, here ya go! :)

Story #1:
I now work with CA Early Start—assessing newborns to three year olds—and if they are eligible—helping their parents put services in place to support them with their development—such as; various therapies or infant programs. (I love it so much! It is an honor and a joy to do this work.)

Well, recently, we celebrated a member of our team with flowers, balloons and a card—and one of my co-workers wrote something in our card that I just loved.

“Some people see the glass half empty. Some see it half full. But you are the only person I know—who when the glass is completely empty—you still see it as half full.” :)

Isn’t that great? What a wonderful quality to have.

Even when I had nearly five case loads--and this was affecting me tremendously--she was there giving me pep talks from a very positive perspective. Granted, they did not seem related to reality at the time (:)) --but I appreciated her support and knew she was pulling for me.

Today, I am actually down to a case load that is much more manageable and I think her attitude is-- in part-- why this is so.

I love that she is this way—and even more positive than I am! :)

Story #2:
I am a music director/singer for a beautiful, loving church and Rev. Les—one of our ministers, reminds us every week to love everyone and everything—exactly the way it is—for our one hour together—and if we enjoy the way this feels—to extend this out into our daily life—one hour at a time. If we mess up—and start judging—and forget to love—“No problem.” :) We can just start again—without beating ourselves up.

The idea is simple, practical and I love it! I never get tired of Rev. Les reminding us to do this. What could be more important in life—than to love ourselves and others as we are? How powerful and uplifting it would be if we could sustain such a place of being on a more regular basis.

Since I was a little girl—God has made it clear to me—that I am on earth to love others in the same way that I feel loved by God. And this reminder helps me when I feel some form of non-love creeping in.

I remember, “Oh yeah. I’m not here to judge—but to love,” and I ask God to help me release any thoughts or feelings that are blocking me from loving—and get back to practicing loving everyone and everything—exactly as it is—for this moment—and trusting that everyone and everything is being what it’s meant to be. I guess it’s sort of like The Serenity Prayer. And it just feels way better to me. I’m into feeling happy, joyous and free! So, it fits me well. :)

Story #3:
David sang “This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land” at church yesterday—for the second solo. Then we had a wonderful autumn-like day together. It was quite windy and fun! It felt like the East Coast! :)

This morning we are off for David’s yearly flu shot—one of his least favorite things to do in life. He’s allergic to eggs—so, for years now—they have done a traumatic multi part procedure—that takes hours. First they do a scratch test on his back—to determine if he is still allergic. Then they insert needles under his skin to figure out how many times to break up the flu shot—and then they break it up into three doses. Last year I finally said to the nurse, “Okay, the scratch testing confirms he is still allergic to egg—so, can we bypass the next part and just split it into three shots?” Luckily his allergist heard me and stepped in and told them to do this—and I have gotten approval ahead of time—for this to happen again this year.

And if you are wondering why we even do flu shots....I wonder this every year too. :) I think I had my first flu shot after David was born--to protect him. Apparently, because of his asthma and allergies he is at risk in some way if he gets the flu--so he is on the high priority list for flu shots.

The good news, though, is—that as soon as we are done—we get two days of freedom to play our way and enjoy each other. We don't have school or work and it looks like there are all sorts of fun things in store, such as; High School Musical 3 and a road trip to Malibu and Santa Monica. But I let him lead the way. During our down time--I like to surrender and let him decide what we'll do.

I was thinking yesterday about how I really do have a 10 page “To Do” list—but partly this is because when it comes to my time with David—I usually set it aside and just enjoy being present with him—which is my most favorite thing to do! :)

Okay, so have the best day ever! :) And we will do the same!

With Love,

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Finally! :)

So, I have been wanting to write a blog for awhile. I'm a writer by nature and I thought it would be a nice way to share some of my life stories with loved ones and read their stories as well. My friends-- Donna, Marjorie and Karen have shared their blogs with me--and now a musician whose music I love, listen to and sing all the time has begun one--and in joining up to follow his journey to France--I was given promptings to easily set this up--so, here I am. :) YAY!

I'll write more later, but...YES! I love my life! :) "Thank you, God!" And every day I find more and more reasons to love and enjoy it and I look forward to sharing my stories with you--and reading yours in response. Okeedokee? :)

Have a beautiful day, enjoying your life--as it is--and seeing where the grass is green--right here and now! :) We are so blessed to be alive and on this incredible journey called life! :)

With Love,