Tuesday, December 2, 2008


So, I hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving and felt very blessed.

David’s Dada had offered to bring David and me to Las Vegas for a couple of days and I asked if we could create an adventure for David at Yosemite instead. David and I had never been there and I would choose being out in nature and in a beautiful place over Las Vegas any day. Luckily Werner jumped on the idea.

David is into the Discovery channel and on Friday nights we often watch a show named, “Man Vs Wild” and there is this guy named Bear who shares with us his crazy adventures out in the wilderness. David likes to act like Bear sometimes and have me video him pretending that he is in the wilds as well—while right here in our family room,:), so, he was pumped about Yosemite as well.

We headed out really early Thanksgiving morning—before the sun was up—and got to Yosemite View Lodge—right on the Merced River—(I just love the sound of a river, the ocean waves, or rain--while falling off to sleep! :)) in time to freshen up a bit and find our way to “The Lodge” where we had a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. (My favorite kind—where I don’t need to cook and put others’ lives in danger.) :)

After dinner, as we were walking outside, I saw someone who looked just like Santa. I whispered to David about this and the gentleman walked right up to David-- and while pointing at him with his cane—said, “I have my elves keeping an eye on you.” And David’s mouth dropped and his eyes popped open wide! :)

We never saw him after this moment….Very interesting…..:)

So, for three days we did lots of hiking, saw beautiful foliage, amazing redwoods (which David and I made sure to hug), lots of deer—babies and buck included—and coyotes.

At one point, we were hiking and I looked up to see this rather large animal, on a rock, up above us, looking directly at me. The “s” word came out of my mouth and I asked Werner and David to take a look and tell me if they thought this animal was a wolf. Werner said it was a big coyote and David reminded me that I had just sworn. :) I apologized, explaining that sometimes that happens when I get scared. :)

Yes, there is not an ounce of “Bear” in me. In fact, I really wanted to see some black bears—but while in our car—not while hiking. :)

David was teasing me about this and calling me a scaredy cat—and I announced boldly, “I am brave and mighty—hear me roar!” then I gave out a little meow—and he laughed and kept asking me to do this again and again over the weekend. :) (Thank goodness he is so easily entertained! :))

We took time throughout our little adventure to share with each other all that we are grateful for. We are incredibly blessed.

I am sure I will write more about gratitude another day—for it is one of my favorite subjects and daily practices—but for now—please know that if you are one of my friends or family members—I thought of you and thanked God for you lots on Thanksgiving. You are loved and appreciated deeply.

With Love,

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